70th Annual Assembly of Members
Saturday, November 2, 2024, at 1:00 PM EDT / 10:00 AM PDT
All are welcome to attend. Members current as of the date of the meeting may vote.
Online and In-Person Participation

Online Participation: Register online by November 1, 2024, to attend and for electronic voting. https://bit.ly/3MxO5qP
In-Person participation: 2 actions required: 1) register online (for voting) and 2) RSVP by October 30, 2024.
Registration: https://bit.ly/3MxO5qP
RSVP: hq@naasr.org
If you wish to attend in-person but are unable register online, please email Paige Anderson (paige@naasr.org) or call 617- 489-1610 (ext. 108). NAASR staff will assist you with in-person voting.
1:00 pm Convening of Assembly and Welcome
1:05 pm Presentations of Certificates to 25-yr, 50-yr, 60-yr, and 65-yr members
1:15 pm Chairperson’s Report
1:30 pm Featured Speaker: Sara Cohan (Education Coordinator, National Association of Armenian Studies and Research; former Education Director, Genocide Education Project and Museum Fellow, US Holocaust Museum and Memorial): “The Evolution of Genocide Education and NAASR's Commitment to Supporting Secondary Schools with Resources and Expertise”
2:30 pm Business Session & Voting*
3:45 pm Wrap Up
*NAASR By Laws: Article III- Members & Membership https://naasr.org/pages/proposed-re-stated-bylaws
Please renew (or join) online today: http://weblink.donorperfect.com/NAASR_Member_Renew_Join