Grants & Academic Outreach

The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) and the Knights of Vartan Fund for Armenian Studies award scholar grants to support research and publication in the field of Armenian Studies to qualified scholars. NAASR and the Knights of Vartan would like to remind scholars that this continues to include research on Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh in all periods. Funds are not available for undergraduate research or for work that falls outside the field of Armenian Studies.
Proposals are reviewed on a quarterly basis with submission deadlines on March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15. Submission of all materials via email is strongly recommended.
It is strongly recommended that you contact NAASR at prior to submitting materials for consideration. Materials must be received prior to the quarterly deadline to be considered.
Proposals are subject to approval by the NAASR Academic Committee, the NAASR Executive Committee, and the Knights of Vartan Fund for Armenian Studies Board of Trustees. Applicants should expect a decision approximately six weeks after the deadline. Please adhere to the following guidelines in submitting a proposal:
1. Grants may be awarded for travel, cost of digitization or microfilm or other research materials, in support of book publication costs, and for similar expenses. Grants are not issued to support requests outside of the field of Armenian Studies.
2. Applicants are limited to one grant award per 12-month period. (E.g., an applicant who successfully applied for a grant at the June 15 quarterly deadline may not apply again until June 15 of the following year.)
3. Proposals must be submitted at least three months prior to the event or project for which funding is sought.
4. Stipends or scholarships for to cover tuition or living expenses in the applicant's own institution are excluded from consideration.
5. Each applicant must state in detail the purpose and scope of the research project for which funding is sought. Applicants must also indicate the total amount of money required for the project, if they have applied for or received support from other entities, and provide the proposed itinerary if requesting travel funds.
6. Required submissions include a curriculum vitae and recommendations from at least two persons of academic standing familiar with the applicant's previous work and proposed research.
7. A copy of any book, article, report, or other work, the writing of which has been assisted by a grant, is to be deposited with NAASR.
8. A final report and financial accounting is expected as soon as possible and within 12 months of a grant's issuance.
9. Grants may be issued by The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) and the Knights of Vartan Fund for Armenian Studies jointly or separately. Support must be acknowledged in any publication in any medium resulting from a research grant.
10. Grant funds can only be used for the purposes agreed upon. In the event of the cancellation of a project for which a grant has been issued, it is the responsibility of the recipient to contact NAASR to arrange the return of the funds.
Other Grant Opportunities in Armenian Studies
Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) Grants
Aurora Humanitarian Initiative Vartan Gregorian Scholarship (Research Grants) Program
Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
UCLA Promise Armenian Institute Postdoctoral Fellowships
NAASR Academic Advisory Committee
Prof. Valentina Calzolari, University of Geneva
Prof. Bedross Der Matossian, University of Nebraska
Prof. Christina Maranci, Harvard University
Dr. Khatchig Mouradian, Library of Congress and Columbia University
Prof. Theo van Lint, University of Oxford
Marc A. Mamigonian, Director of Academic Affairs, NAASR
Direct applications or inquiries to:
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research
395 Concord Ave.
Belmont, MA 02478
Telephone: (617) 489-1610