NAASR's Global Headquarters
Connecting Scholars of Armenian Studies and the Public

NAASR is thrilled to open our beautiful new Vartan Gregorian Building. Learn about our design firm SMMA's vision here.
Our magnificent building would not be here without the extraordinary generosity of our inspiring major donors! Read about their vision here.You can still become a lasting part of NAASR’s elegant Vartan Gregorian Building. Learn how and start the process.

The outside of the building is as inspiring as the inside. A monumental Eternity Sculpture, created by world-renowned Armenian-American artist Michael Aram specially for NAASR, complements the Eternity Garden exquisitely. Read more about the sculpture.

The magnificent front door was crafted by master craftsman Mels Yeghiazaryan in a village outside of Yerevan. Learn what inspired his design.

Watch the remarkable topping off celebration upon the raising of the final steel beam during construction in January 2019.