Programs & Conferences
NAASR’s outstanding lectures and panel discussions are unrivaled, attracting large audiences to hear thought-provoking programs by leading scholars and authors on Armenian Studies, including contemporary realities, and we are pleased to partner with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for the Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues.
Through NAASR’s programs, scholars and the public connect on a vast array of topics, including art, architecture, cooking, linguistics, literature, the Armenian Genocide, current political realities in Turkey and Armenia, and developments in Eurasia and the South Caucasus, among many others. In its over 65 years of existence, NAASR has set the standard. Presenters are leading historians, linguists, art historians, anthropologists, novelists, poets, photographers, biographers, filmmakers, and more, from throughout the United States and worldwide.
NAASR has also sponsored or co-sponsored more than 30 national and international conferences and symposia.