What Scholars Say

“NAASR is the leading institution in promoting Armenian Studies in North America. I cannot count the important contributions of NAASR in the creation of a solid foundation in the U.S. for Armenian Studies.”
–Taner Akçam
“NAASR has never failed to help me when I’ve needed sources, books—any information, practical or impractical.”
-Kevork Bardakjian
“When conducting research for my book Children of Armenia, I traveled across the country, visiting archives, universities and major research centers such as the Library of Congress. From all of these institutions, NAASR’s library had the largest and most richly textured collection of materials on Armenian-American culture and history in the United States. Without NAASR’s holdings, I would not have been able to complete my work.”
-Michael Bobelian
“While researching my book Operation Nemesis NAASR provided invaluable foundational support and material for my work. Without the key materials available through this intensely focused organization, I would not have been able to complete my research. I am indebted to NAASR.”
-Eric Bogosian
“As an active scholar in Armenian Studies I am especially grateful to NAASR’s support in my research and in disseminating my work in public lectures throughout the United States.”
-George Bournoutian
“Although NAASR was not limited to Armenian Genocide studies, it has a legacy in the promotion of Armenian Genocide studies.”
-Vahakn Dadrian
“NAASR's rich library collection and the opulent bookstore is the treasure island for any scholar who aims at conducting serious research on Armenian history.”
-Bedross Der Matossian
“It is gratifying to witness a rejuvenated NAASR that is mission-oriented, energetic, and productive.”
-Richard G. Hovannisian
“NAASR, one of the most important institutionalized Armenian organizations, continues to evolve, change, progress with fresh leadership and new membership. What will it become in the future is up to us, because it is clear that we are NAASR. What we imagine for it and what we are personally willing to do for it will determine exactly how it will develop.”
-Dickran Kouymjian
“NAASR is one of the most dynamic and encompassing institutions in the field that helps integrate the traditional and venerable with new modes of approaching the field, and providing a forum for dissenting views. As such, far from resting on its laurels, NAASR is in a position to affect the future of the field.”
-Gerard J. Libaridian
“NAASR has played a unique role not only in promoting Armenian Studies in American universities but particularly in disseminating the results of Armenian Studies, the research that has been done by scholars in Armenian Studies. It’s hard to believe that in the 1950s you could probably count on the fingers of two hands the number of books in English on Armenian subjects, whereas today you have a huge collection of publications. And I think that all of that got its start with NAASR.”
-Barbara Merguerian
“Not only did NAASR more or less create the circumstances in which I could work as a scholar but it also created the publications series which has made my work accessible to readers.”
-James R. Russell
“NAASR is like the circulatory system of the North American Armenian scene. There is a NAASR presence involved in so much of what is happening, and it is so crucial that we have that going forward.”
-Henry Theriault
“What I must stress is the result of NAASR’s work in establishing a chair at Harvard. Because it was this endowment which gave permanency and proper standing to Armenian Studies, and which for the first time made possible expansion and development of the field.”
-Robert W. Thomson
“The collections at NAASR are extremely important in studying the Armenian Genocide. I hope to come back here very often.”
-Uğur Ümit Üngör