Cummings Foundation Grant Recipient

Securing Armenia’s Economic Outlook: Driven by a Strong Tech Sector ~ Thursday, June 20, 2024 ~ In-Person (NAASR), On Zoom and On YouTube

Angel Investor Club of Armenia (AICA) Arm Tech Boston Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center at AUA Eqwefy First Armenian Church Michael Kouchakdjian NAASR NAASR Calouste Gulbenkian Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues Samson Avetian

Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 7 PM EST

In Person at NAASR's Vartan Gregorian Building, 395 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA


Samson Avetian, Co-founder and CEO of the Angel Investor Club of Armenia (AICA) and CEO of eqwefy, Author of ARMENIA'S ECONOMY: THE NEXT 25 YEARS : 3 Ways to Restructure.
Michael Kouchakdjian, Professor of Business and Management, American University of Armenia and Director of Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC)

Samson Avetian will explore Armenia’s economic prospects and the indispensable role that technology, sciences, and innovation play within it. He will review the progress made over the years, the current dynamics, and the future outlook for the Armenian technology industry. The Armenian Tech Economy has recently witnessed remarkable growth driven by a burgeoning technology sector and innovative startups, supported by Armenian Angel and VC Investors. Armenia has already attracted established global technology companies including Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, Nvidea, and Synopsys.  According to the Global Startup Ecosystem Report by StartupBlink, Armenia has secured the leading position for technology innovation for the Caucasus region.  Armenian tech startups are making their mark on the global stage, attracting millions of dollars in investments and total investment volume reached an impressive $47 million in total in 2023.  Armenia is earning recognition as a new technology and AI development hub and was selected to host the WCIT 2024 World Congress on Innovation and Technology on October 4-7 in Yerevan, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its societal impact, ethics, and future under the headline “The power of mind: AI Beyond Limits, Within Ethics.”


Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center at AUA

Angel Investor Club of Armenia (AICA)


Arm Tech Boston

First Armenian Church

National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)/Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues

Click here to download the flyer.

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