Cummings Foundation Grant Recipient

Treasures of Areni-1 Cave ~ Thursday, September 26, 2024 ~ In-Person (NAASR), on Zoom, and on YouTube

Ani Adigyozalyan Areni-1 Cave Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association NAASR

Thursday, September 26, 2024, 7:30 PM EST/4:30 PM PST

In-Person at NAASR Vartan Gregorian Building at 395 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA, 02478

Please click here to register for the Zoom presentation

Please click here to watch the presentation on NAASR's YouTube channel


Ani Adigyozalyan, archaeologist 

Ani Adigyozalyan will discuss the many treasures of Armenian culture and ritual discovered in the Areni-1 Cave in Vayots Dzor, including the oldest leather shoe, winery, and settlements, and their historic significance. As an archaeologist, Ani has participated in excavations in these caves, is the senior laboratory researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia, and a researcher at the History Museum of Armenian SNCO. 


Cambridge Yerevan Sister City Association 



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