Cummings Foundation Grant Recipient


Association suisse pour l’étude de l’Antiquité Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Fonds national suisse L’Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales NAASR

9h30-11h00 Séance plénière/Opening Plenary Session
Salle MR 280/Room MR 280
Allocutions d’ouverture/Opening addresses
Valentina Calzolari
Présidente de l’AIEA et Directrice du Département MESLO
S.E. Hasmik Tolmajian
Représentante permanente de la République d’Arménie auprès des Nations Unies à Genève
Conférence d’honneur/Keynote Lecture
Période ancienne/Ancient Period
Présidence/Chair: Valentina Calzolari
Approaching the Early Centuries:
Palimpsests and Their Significance for the History of Armenian Literacy

11h00-11h30 Pause café/Coffee break
Espace à côté de la salle MR 150/Space near Room MR 150
11h30-13h00 Sessions parallèles/Parallel sessions
Session 1 Salle MR 150 Musique/Music
Chair: Victoria Abrahamyan
Anna Arevshatyan, Tigran Mansurian’s Modern Hymnography
Lilit Yernjakyan, Interpretation of Armenian Musical Culture in Foreign Sources
Mher Navoyan, Հայկական վերածննդի նախադրյալները քերականական
Session 2 Salle MR 160 Relations latino-arméniennes et disputes religieuses au Moyen Age/Latin-Armenian
relations and religious disputations in the Middle Ages
Chair: Gohar Grigoryan
Irene Tinti, Latin-Armenian Relations in the Medieval Caucasus through the Lens of Armenian Manuscripts
Armine Melkonyan, Newly Discovered Armenian Interreligious Disputation: Manuscript Tradition and
Textual Transmission
Alessandro Orengo, Oskan vardapet Erewanc‘i traducteur du et en latin
Session 3 Salle MR 170 Histoire moderne/Early Modern History
Chair: Jakub Osiecki
Andranik Yesayan, Demographic Transformations in Northeastern Armenia in the Early Modern Period
(16th-18th Centuries)
Petra Košťálová, Cultural Anthropology Aspects in Historical Sources: The Case of Armenian Chronicles
from Today’s Ukraine
Paolo Lucca, The Conjurations against Child Stealing Demons in the Armenian Amulet Rolls. Elements of
Textual and Typological Continuity and Discontinuity Compare

13h00-14h30 Buffet/Lunch
Réservé aux personnes inscrites au congrès/For registered participants only
Espace à côté de la salle MR 150/Space near Room MR150

14h30-16h30 Sessions parallèles/Parallel sessions
Session 1 MR 160 Linguistique/Linguistics
Chair: Irene Tinti
Robin Meyer, Hypoanalysis and aspectual diversification : the Armenian future in diachrony
Bert Vaux, The New Julfa dialect of Armenian since Adjarian (1919)
Rémy Viredaz, Les traitements du *w intervocalique indo-européen en arménien
Victoria Khurshudyan & Chahan Vidal-Gorène, Annotation models for the Armenian linguistic variation.
One model to rule them all?
Session 2 MR 170 Histoire contemporaine/Contemporary History
Chair: Vicken Cheterian
Jakub Osiecki, The Polish Armenians – the biographical study
Sirarpi Movsisyan, Contours of Identity: Exploring Belonging Among Armenians in Germany
Lusine Margaryan, Արցախի բնականունների անվանակոչման սկզբունքները և իմաստային դաշտի
Carlo Busini, The Exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh: The Eternal Fate of a Pending Homeland
in the Armenian History

16h30-17h00 Pause café/Coffee break
Espace à côté de la salle MR 150/Space near Room MR 150

17h00-18h30 Sessions parallèles/Parallel sessions
Session 1 Salle MR 160 Bible et apocryphes/Bible and Apochrypha
Chair: Paolo Lucca
Caroline Macé, The Letter on the Dormition attributed to Dionysius Areopagita
Emmanuel Van Elverdinghe, Les versions arméniennes de l’Apocalypse de Jean : acquis et perspectives
Timothy B. Sailors, The Earliest History and Characteristics of Ancient Armenian Translations of Biblical
Materials: A Survey of Modern Scholarship, Methods, and Critical Editions

Session 2 Salle MR 170 Littérature contemporaine/Contemporary Literature
Chair: Kevork Bardakjian
Varvara Basmadjian, Poésie et arts, la quête, l’œuvre et la vie suspendue de Garig Basmadjian
Büsra Döner, La littérature contre le déni : la résistance de deux écrivains arméniens, Zavèn Bibérian et
Meguerditch Margossian, face au négationnisme en Turquie
Emiliano Zanelli, Tcharents et la Weltliteratur : notes à partir du « Չարենց-Նամե »

19h30 Réception
à l’Ambassade et Mission Permanente de la République d’Arménie
auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies et autres organisations internationales à Genève
offerte par S.E. Mme Hasmik Tolmajian
16 Parc du Château Banquet – 1202 Genève

10 janvier 2025 – Université de Lausanne/University of Lausanne
Bâtiment Anthropole/Building Anthropole
Campus Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne

10h00-11h00 Séance plénière/Plenary Session
Salle ANT-1129/Room ANT-1129
Allocution d’ouverture/Opening address
Robin Meyer
Directeur du Centre de linguistique et des sciences du langage
Président de la Section des sciences du langage et de l’information
Conférence d’honneur/Keynote Lecture
Période médiévale/Medieval Period
Présidence/Chair: Robin Meyer
The Catholicosate of Ałuank‘
in the Hierarchical Structure of the Armenian Church

11h00–11h30 Pause café/Coffee break
Hall 1130
11h30–13h00 Sessions parallèles/Parallel Sessions
Session 1 Salle ANT-1129 Patristique et hagiographie/Patristics and Hagiography
Chair: Emilio Bonfiglio
Anahit Avagyan, The sources of the hagiographical units included in the Armenian “Vitae Patrum” collections
Sara Scarpellini, St George au Moyen Age : un saint à cheval entre l’Arménie et la diaspora
Sergey Kim, Mélèce d’Antioche géorgien traduit de l’arménien: une étude des textes parallèles retrouvés
Session 2 Salle ANT-2064 Histoire de la Cilicie/History of Cilicia
Chair: Tara Andrews
Zohrab Gevorgyan, Disabilities, diseases and rights in the context of the environmental history of Cilician
Azat Bozoyan,Les relations d'échange de l'Église arménienne avec Constantinople et les centres ecclésiastiques
du Proche-Orient
Gohar Grigoryan Savary, The Assizes of Antioch and the Visualisation of the King's Institution in Cilician

Session 3 Salle ANT-2120 École hellénisante. Roman d’Alexandre/Hellenizing School. Alexander Roman
Chair: Alessandro Orengo
Edda Vardanyan, La version arménienne du Roman d’Alexandre et l’école monastique de Gladzor
Rok Kuntner, Literary Rewriting in Medieval Armenia: The Case of the Alexander Romance
Lorenzo Colombo, Le texte du Pseudo-Nonnos à travers l’Arménie médiévale

13h00-14h30 Déjeuner/Lunch
Réservé aux personnes inscrites au congrès/For registered participants only
Bâtiment Géopolis (8 minutes à pied)/Géopolis building (8 minutes’ walk)

14h30–16h30 Sessions parallèles/Parallel Sessions
Session 1 Salle ANT-2064 Philologie/Philology
Chair: Bernard Coulie
Emilio Bonfiglio, The Vienna Agathangelos: A Study of Palimpsest W 56
Tim Greenwood, After Garitte: Revisiting the Vg Recension of Agathangelos
Theo M. van Lint, “Such a wonderful vision does not exist in all the prophets”: OXL121’s Second Text on the
Throne Vision of Ezekiel
Knar Harutyunyan, From Manuscript Descriptions to “Discoveries”: Early Versions of Known Texts and
Newly Identified Manuscripts
Session 2 Salle ANT-2120 Histoire de l’art. Architecture /Art History. Architecture
Chair: Nazénie Garibian
Ioanna Rapti, Armenian written sources for medieval art history: texts, contexts, and perspectives
Cassandre Lejosne, Architectural Patronage and Cult of Relics: Komitas, Hrip‘simē’, and the early Armenian
Marta Zerbini, The classical heritage in the land pattern of the ancient Tashir region in northern Armenia
Sipana Tchakerian & Chahan Vidal-Gorène, Automatic editing of Armenian architectural heritage’s 3D
models using AI

16h30–17h00 Pause café/Coffee break
Hall 1130

17h00–18h30 Sessions parallèles/Parallel Sessions
Session 1 Salle ANT-2064 Histoire antique et archéologie/Ancient History and Archaeology
Chair: Tim Greenwood
Roy Arakelian, Tigrane le Jeune: son histoire et ses attributions monétaires
Hamlet Petrosyan, Early Christian Epigraphy of Artsakh (5-9th cc.). New Discoveries
Maxime Yevadian, Le voyage de Step‘annos Siwnec‘i à Rome, vers 710-720: considérations à la lumière de
nouvelles sources

Session 2 Salle ANT-2120 Ani
Chair: Hakob Matevosyan
Karen Jallatyan, The Ruins of Modernity: Literary and Photographic Afterlives of The Medieval Armenian
Capital City of Ani
Bálint Kovács, The imagination of Minas Bžskeanc‘ on Ani
Konrad Siekierski, Traces of the Lost City: Ani in Yerevan

11 janvier 2025 – Université de Genève/University of Geneva
Bâtiment Uni Mail/Building Uni Mail
Bd du Pont-d'Arve 40, 1205 Genève

10h00-11h00 Séance plénière/Opening Plenary Session
Salle MR 280/Room MR 280
Conférence d’honneur/Keynote Lecture
Période moderne/Modern Period
Présidence/Chair: Theo M. van Lint
Dark Times - Reflections on the Armenian Genocide

11h00-11h30 Pause café/Coffee break
Espace à côté de la salle MR 150/Space near the Room MR 150

11h30-13h00 Sessions parallèles/Parallel sessions
Session 1 Salle MR 160 Nersēs Lambronatsi. Liturgie/Nersēs Lambronatsi. Liturgy
Chair: Anahit Avagyan
Arpine Avetisyan, The sources of Nerses Lambronats‘i’s translation of the Commentary on the Revelation of
Saint John
Riccardo Pane, L’emploi de la typologie dans l’Explication de la Divine Liturgie de Nersēs Lambronac‘i
R.P. Haykazun Sahakyan, Ձեռքերի վեր բարձրացման ծիսական շարժման կիրառությունն ու իմաստը Հայ
Առաքելական Եկեղեցու Սուրբ Պատարագում
Session 2 Salle MR 170 Histoire contemporaine (1920-1930)/Contemporary History (1920s-1930s)
Chair: Varvara Basmadjian
Victoria Abrahamyan, The role of Turkish propaganda in shaping the image of Ottoman Armenian refugees
in French mandate Syria and Lebanon, 1920s-1930s
Valentina Calzolari, La représentation des Arméniens comme ‘peuple martyr’ dans les sources arméniennes
et non arméniennes de l’après-génocide (1917-1930)
Khachatur Stepanyan, Արցախը խորհրդային արդբեջանին բռնակցելու խնդրի արծարծումը սփյուռքահայ
մամուլում (1920-1930-ական թթ․)

13h00-14h30 Buffet/Lunch
Réservé aux personnes inscrites au congrès/For registered participants only
Espace à côté de la salle MR 150/Space near the Room MR 150

14h30-16h00 Sessions parallèles/Parallel sessions
Session 1 Salle MR 160 Humanités digitales/Digital Humanities
Chair: Caroline Macé
Lewis Read, A Digital Corpus of Eleventh-Century Armenian Colophons
Tara L. Andrews, What are the facts?! Data models for history when the sources are scarce
Chahan Vidal-Gorène, Text Recognition and Automated Analysis of Armenian Handwritten Archives

Session 2 Salle MR 170 Histoire médiévale/Medieval History
Chair: Marco Bais
Nazénie Garibian, The Social Status and Pretentions of Armenian Women According to Medieval
David Zakarian, A Visionary or a Renegade: Revisiting Catholicos Kostandin Vahkac‘i’s Life and Work
Kevork Bardakjian, A Footnote to the Anonymous Medieval Armenian Visitor’s Description of Certain
Shrines and Relics in Constantinople

16h00-16h30 Pause café/Coffee break
Espace à côté de la salle MR 150/Space near the Room MR 150

16h30-17h30 Sessions parallèles/Parallel sessions
Session 1 Salle MR 160 Iconographie et étude des MSS/Iconography and Study of MSS
Chair: Ioanna Rapti
Hayarpi Hakobyan, Towards the Reconstruction of an Illustrated Gospel Dated to 1181 CE: Dispersed Folios
from Narekavank Harvard № 1960.202 & 1960.203
Anush Sargsyan, “Concerning the Sins of Adam”: The Transformation of the Iconography in the Biblical
Manuscripts of the Amida Scriptorium
Ani Yenokyan, Hardship and Craftsmanship in Unstable Times: Grigor Marzvanec‘i, the Master of Woodcut
Session 2 Salle MR 170 Contacts syro-arméniens. Graṙaǰk'/Syro-Armenian contacts. Graṙaǰk'
Chair: Sergey Kim
Andy Hilkens, Towards a history of Syriac-Armenian bilingualism Translations
Onnik Kiremitlian, Dialectal Issues in the Armenian Manuscripts of the Catenic Homily on Holy Thursday
Attributed to Marutha of Tagrit
Ovsanna Khachatryan, Manifestations of Graṙaǰk' as a Unique Genre of Armenian Medieval Literature in
the Antilias Manuscript № 150

17h30-19h00 Séance plénière/Plenary Session
Salle MR 280/Room MR 280
Valentina Calzolari


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