Haigazn Kazarian: A Pioneering Researcher on the Armenian Genocide and His Materials at NAASR ~ Treasures of NAASR's Mardigian Library

In the spring of 2010, NAASR received a phone call from a gentleman asking if he could donate some books and materials that belonged to his father, who had been a researcher on Armenian issues. When he informed us that father’s name was “Haigaz Kazarian,” we informed him that we were familiar with his father’s work and that of course we would be interested in anything relating to Haigaz (or Haigazn) Kazarian. Arrangements were made for the caller—Dr. Kirk Kazarian of Ossining, NY—to pay a visit to NAASR to drop off the materials. Read the full article here.
Thumbnail photo circa 1914: Haigazn Kazarian is #2 from left standing. Far left standing #1 is Mihran Toumajan, a student of Gomidas Vartabed and a noted musicologist. Our thanks to Prof. Levon Chookaszian for identifying Mr. Toumajan.
Compiled by Ani Babaian and Marc Mamigonian