In Arthur Kayzakian's The Book of Redacted Paintings, the narrative arc follows a boy in search of his father’s painting, but it is unclear whether the painting exists or not. The book, a poetry collection, is also populated by a series of paintings. Some are real, incomplete, and/or missing, while most are redacted from reality.
Dr. Christina Maranci highlights the importance of combining technological innovations with knowledge of the conventions of Armenian art and texts, as well as traditional methods of visual and comparative analysis in her talk Wall Painting in Ani, Horomos, and Mren: Findings and Remarks.
The 12th International Conference on Armenian Linguistics (ICAL XII) will feature scholars from around the world participating in person and via Zoom. This conference offers an opportunity to researchers working on various aspects of the Armenian language to share their work and thoughts, whatever their theoretical or methodological approaches may be.
Dr. Owen Miller, the author of a thesis and several research articles on the Sasun massacre of 1894 and its background, will discuss with Dr. Jelle Verheij his findings and the need for revision of the traditional perspectives, touching on many of the key issues and players: the death toll, characteristics and motivation of the perpetrators, the roles of the Ottoman authorities, foreign powers and Armenian revolutionary parties.