REGISTER on Zoom: https://bit.ly/37qnI0H
WATCH on St. Leon Event YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/2MMUaAX
Dr Henry Theriault, President, International Association of Genocide Scholars
Kohar Avakian, PhD Candidate in American Studies at Yale University
Dr. Jermaine McCalpin, Chair of African and African American Studies at New Jersey City University
Dr. Michael Rothberg, Professor of English and Comparative Literature and @UCLA The 1939 Society Samuel Goetz Chair in Holocaust Studies at UCLA
When it comes to historical violence and contemporary inequality, none of us are completely innocent. Join us to examine the legacy of racial violence and inequality from post-emancipation to the present and the responsibility of non-perpetrators of historical and contemporary violence in sustaining systemic injustice, domination, and racism.
For more information email: ara@edcorp.net
AGBU Ararat
Armenian Bar Association
Armenian Network of America - Greater NY
Daughters of Vartan Sahaganoush Otyag #24
Knights of Vartan Bakradouny Lodge
Justice Armenia
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research - NAASR / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues
St. Leon Armenian Church
St. Leon ACYOA Seniors
Zohrab Center
Michael Rothberg's book The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators is available in the NAASR Bookstore.