Live on Zoom. Registration is required and free.
Livestream on St. Leon Events YouTube channel.
LILIT GEVORGIAN, Russia and CIS specialist
ARMEN KHARAZIAN, Washington, DC-based attorney and former diplomat
EDUARD ABRAHAMYAN, Doctoral research fellow and defense analysist
Join UK-based Russia and CIS Specialist Lilit Gevorgian, Washington DC-based attorney and former diplomat Armen Kharazian, and UK-based doctoral research fellow and defense analyst Eduard Abrahamyan for Part IV: Armenia on the Brink: Strategies in a Diminishing Landscape, the fourth in the What’s Next series for a roundtable discussions with Q & A on the post-war Armenian reality.
- Contours of a robust diplomatic response and steps toward a post-CSTO Armenia
- Understanding the strategic significance of Azerbaijan’s gains and the question of air defense
- Impact of the quality of governance and policy formation on national security
- Domestic drive to appease Azeri expansionism and hybrid war
- Possible developments with the progression of the current trajectory
AIWA NJ Chapter
Armenian Bar Association
Daughters of Vartan - Sahaganoush Otyag
Justice Armenia
Knights of Vartan - Bakradouny Lodge
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues
The Zohrab Information Center
Saint Leon Armenian Church
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