Join a discussion of Conflict, Displacement and COVID-19 on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on regions affected by war, conflict, and displacement in the Middle East, Africa, and the South Caucasus. The speakers will explore the issue from a historical, human rights, and public health perspective.
As the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continues, three diverse experts come together to discuss the crisis today, the history of yesterday, and the actions of tomorrow.
In 2018, a democratic breakthrough via mass-scale nonviolent disobedience campaign brought down Armenia’s competitive, soft authoritarian system headed by then President-turned-Prime Minister Serj Sargsyan. Since then, the country continues to face challenges to consolidate its still fragile democracy.
Richard B. Finnegan Distinguished Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Stonehill College Dr. Anna Ohanyan moderates a panel discussion on the flare-up on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border with panelists Antranig Kasbarian, Arsen Kharatyan, and Maria Tititzian. This webinar sponsored by the NAASR / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues.