Cummings Foundation Grant Recipient

Yekaterina Bahaturian: A Forgotten Writer and Dramatist from Artsakh ~ Thursday, December 5, 2024 ~ In-Person (NAASR), on Zoom, and on YouTube

Hayarpi Papikyan Lerna Ekmekcioglu MISTI Global Seed Funds NAASR Rafik Santrosyan Yekaterina Bahaturian

Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 7:30 PM EST/4:30 PM PST

In-Person at 395 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA, 02478

Please click here to register for Zoom presentation

Please click here to watch the presentation on YouTube


Prof. Lerna Ekmekcioglu, Professor of History at MIT.

Dr. Hayarpi Papikyan, researcher. Dr. Papikyan specializes in 19th- and early 20th-century Armenian Studies, history, and sociology of schooling and institutionalized education, and women's history. She holds a PhD in history and sociology of Education by the Universite Paris V-Sorbonne Cite and is attached to the research and scientific center of CERLIS (Centre de recherche sur les liens sociaux) in Paris, France.

Dr. Rafik Santrosyan, lecturer and visiting professor. Dr. Santrosyan received his PhD in Germanic Linguistics from Yerevan State Linguistic University in 2015. He has served as a lecturer at Yerevan State Linguistic University, American University of Armenia, as a visiting Professor at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University and a post-doctoral fellow at City College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Greece. Their visit to Boston is supported by MISTI Global Seed Funds in Armenia. 


This talk will present ongoing research on the life and work of Yekaterina Bahaturian (1870-1944) who grew up in Shushi, then a provincial center of the Russian Empire. Having subsequently lived in three major colonial and later Soviet Trans-Caucasian capitals - Yerevan, Tiflis, and Baku - Bahaturian established herself as a recognized female writer whose life and career were marked by drastic political and social changes. With a mostly unpublished oeuvre of more than one hundred plays, novels, essays, and memoirs, Bahaturian created a literary world where women play central roles in exploring themes of identity, gender, and power. Through a glimpse into Bahaturian's life and work, the talk will reflect on how women writers positioned themselves and their writing within the broader context of social revolutions and wars that shaped the course of the twentieth century. 



Misti Global Seed Funds

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