Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM PST
In-Person at Fowler Museum, Lenart Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA 90024
Please click here to register for the conference
The event will feature discussions on the current state of these heritage sites, their preservation efforts, and initiatives to monitor, document, and protect them amidst a challenging geopolitical landscape. Experts will also explore the future of cultural heritage studies, offering valuable insights and strategies for safeguarding this vital legacy.
08:00AM - 09:00AM Coffee and Registration
09:00AM - 09:15AM Welcome & Opening Remarks
Ann Karagozian, Director, UCLA Promise Armenian Institute
Amy Landau, Director of Education and Interpretation, UCLA Fowler Museum
09:15AM - 10:00AM Keynote Address
Ann Karagozian, Director, UCLA Promise Armenian Institute, Introduction
Lori Khatchadourian, Associate Professor, Cornell University; co-founder and co- director, Caucasus Heritage Watch Cornell University
10:00AM - 11:00AM Session 1: Cultural Heritage Destruction and Documentation in the South Caucasus
Kristine Martirosyan Olshansky, Director of the Research Program in Armenian Archaeology and Ethnography, UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Moderator
Hamlet Petrosyan, Head of Department of Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University; Head of Artsakh Cultural Heritage Research Group, Head of Dvin Archaeological Expedition; Institute of Archaeology & Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia
Nzhdeh Yeranyan, Deputy Scientific Director, History Museum of Armenia; Lecturer, Department of Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University
11:00AM - 11:45AM Keynote Address
Hannah Garry, Executive Director of The Promise Institute for Human Rights at UCLA Law, Introduction
Yeghishe Kirakosyan, Representative on International Legal Matters of Republic of Armenia
11:45AM - 12:10PM Musical Offering by UCLA Armenian Music Program
Antranig Kzirian on the Oud
12:10PM - 01:10PM Lunch
01:10PM - 02:30PM
Session 2: Cultural Heritage Destruction and Documentation in Historic Western Armenia/Present day Turkey
Anna Aleksanyan, Postdoctoral Fellow, Armenian Genocide Research Program at UCLA PAI, Moderator
Delal Dink, Vice President, Hrant Dink Foundation
Heghnar Watenpaugh, Professor, UC Davis
Ara Sarafian, Executive Director, Gomidas Institute (London)
02:30PM - 03:50PM Session 3: Practical Solutions for Cultural Heritage Protection/Preservation
Peter Cowe, Narekatsi Professor of Armenian Studies, UCLA, Moderator
Simon Maghakyan, Research Associate/Gulbenkian Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford
Taner Akcam, Director of the Armenian Genocide Research Program at Promise Armenian Institute, UCLA
Ruzanna Tsaturyan, Researcher, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia; Lecturer, Faculty of History, Yerevan State University, Armenia
Marc Mamigonian, Director of Academic Affairs, NAASR
04:10PM - 05:10PM Session 4: Roundtable Discussion on The Future of Armenian Heritage Studies
Melissa Bilal, Promise Chair in Armenian Music, Arts, and Culture; Director of Armenian Music Program; Assistant professor, UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music
Nelli Sargsyan, Professor, Emerson College
Tamar Shirinian, Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Anoush Suni, Postdoctoral Fellow, Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA
Armenian Studies Research and Outreach Program
Center for Near Eastern Studies
Fowler Museum at UCLA
Richard Hovannisian Endowed Chair in Modern Armenian History
Narekatsi Chair in Armenian Studies
Promise Chair in Armenian Music, Arts, and Culture
Promise Institute for Human Rights
UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology
Ararat-Eskijian Museum
UCLA Armenian Students' Association