Stateless focuses on two key moments and places of Western Armenian literary history, post-WWI Paris and post-WW II Beirut, to examine how a stateless language sustained itself in a diasporic setting.
This panel brings together four scholars in Armenian Studies and an audience of recent PhDs to discuss the process of revising a dissertation, finding a publisher, and preparing a manuscript.
In Stateless, Talar Chahinian offers a rich exploration of Western Armenian literary history in the wake of the 1915 genocide that led to the dispersion of Armenians across Europe, North America, the Middle East, and beyond. Chahinian highlights two specific time periods—post WW I Paris and Post WW II Beirut—to trace the ways in which literature developed in each diaspora.
Join the featured discussants for a roundtable discussion of Vartan Matiossian's book The Politics of Naming the Armenian Genocide: Language, History and ‘Medz Yeghern’.