Cummings Foundation Grant Recipient

Prior Years — Kerr Family Lecture

The Extraordinary Humanitarian Legacy of the Near East Relief and Three Generations of Kerrs ~ Wednesday, April 12, 2023 ~ In-Person/On Zoom/YouTube

The Extraordinary Humanitarian Legacy of the Near East Relief and Three Generations of Kerrs ~ Wednesday, April 12, 2023 ~ In-Person/On Zoom/YouTube

This audio-visual presentation, featuring rare archival material, photographs and video clips, sheds light on the massive life-saving impact of the Near East Relief and more specifically, the Kerr family, on a generation of survivors of the Armenian Genocide. Responding to horrific eyewitness accounts and urgent pleas for help, the U.S. mobilized an unprecedented campaign of humanitarian assistance led by the Near East Relief (NER) and given legs by a small army of relief workers who risked their lives to help the destitute survivors in distant, dangerous lands. Among the volunteers was Stanley Kerr, a young biochemist in the U.S. Army who, learning of the opportunity to join the relief effort, in 1919 boarded a ship to the crumbling Ottoman Empire.

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