Prior Years — #DocumentaryFilm
CANCELED ~ VILLAGE OF WOMEN directed by Tamara Stepanyan: Film Screening ~ CANCELED

CANCELEDVILLAGE OF WOMEN | 2019 | Armenia | 83 MINDIRECTOR: Tamara StepanyanCATEGORY: DOCUMENTARY FEATURE FILM at the Global Cinema Film Festival of Boston.PREMIERE STATUS: North American Premiere SUBTITLES: English subtitlesFESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS: 2019 Dok LeipzigA village where women, children and elderly reside. Men leave 9 months of the year to Russia to work. Summer, a slow and friendly atmosphere; women do the hay, cut the grass and store for the winter. Fruits will be canned to be eaten during the cold winter. The sun arouses a certain laziness, a sensual relaxation. Autumn, with it’s different shades of red, is the season...
POSTPONED ~ ARMENIAN FILMS AT THE Socially Relevant Film Festival (SRFF) New York ~ POSTPONED

POSTPONEDCinema Village, 22 East 12th Street, New York, NYTHE 2020 ARMENIAN FILMS at The Socially Relevant Film Festival (SRFF), New YorkFEATURE FILMLORIK | New York Premiere Alexey Zlobin | Armenia | 2018 | 94'A lonely theater actor inhabits a world populated by his past characters as he unexpectedly he finds himself plunged into the realities of the people around him. Experiencing the pain and suffering of others, transforms him from a cynical narcissist into a compassionate and selfless person. When he inhabits the role of a rich oligarch, he exploits this new situation to reach an unexpected outcome. DOCUMENTARY SHORT...