Prior Years — #Art
ARMENIAN CERAMICS: How the Art of a Genocide Survivor Changed the Face of Jerusalem with Sato Moughalian ~ Wednesday, October 28, 2020 ~ LIVE on Zoom

POSTPONED ~ A WEDDING OF ARMENIAN TYPES, ARMENIAN CUSTOMS: Revisiting Garabed Nichanian's "Provincial Wedding in Moush" (1890) by Dr. Vazken Khatchig Davidian ~ POSTPONED to Fall 2020

POSTPONED to Fall 2020 The presentation undertakes a close reading of a major painting- Provincial Wedding in Moush - by the notable but now forgotten, Constantinople artist Garabed "Charles" Nichanian (1861-1950). Unseen since the last exhibition in Chicago in 1893, the image of this monumental work has survived through a single know photographic reproduction and at least two engravings published in contemporary journals. Moreover two extensive reviews complement the photograph with a plethora of descriptive detail based on direct visual observation of the painting in the company of the artist. Crucially, they also reveal much about the work's reception among...