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BRYAN ARDOUNY, Executive Director, Armenian Assembly of America
ARAM HAMPARIAN, Executive Director, Armenian National Committee of America
DR. CHRISTINA MARANCI, Dadian and Oztemel Professor of Armenian Art and Architecture, Tufts University
DR. HENRY THERIAULT, Professor of Philosophy and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, · Worcester State University
MARC A. MAMAGONIAN, Director of Academic Affairs, National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)
Denial and distortion — whether of the Armenian Genocide or of other fundamental facts of history relating to Armenia and the Armenians — has long been a reality that academics and activists alike have had to deal with. It may take the form of aggressive fabrications by Turkey or Azerbaijan and their supporters, or it may be the result of media bothsidesism and its tendency to create false equivalences, a situation exacerbated by denial’s capacity to shift the perception of where the “middle ground” lies. The fall 2021 Artsakh war underscored what is at stake.
Academics and advocates each contribute to the effort to promoting the truth about Armenian history as well as present day issues. Each brings a set of strengths and limitations, each speaks to particular (if overlapping) constituencies, and each faces the challenge of being proactive rather than merely reactive when it comes to facing aggressive and unending denial and distortion.
How can scholars maintain their commitment to academic integrity while also contributing to this larger effort? How can activists who work on the “front lines” or in the corridors of power benefit from the foundational work of scholars? Are the priorities and responsibilities of the academic and activist worlds reconcilable and complementary or must they be seen as separate? Can greater collaboration and cooperation among scholars, across Armenian community political and organizational lines, and among activists representing different interest groups more effectively counter Turkey and Azerbaijan’s exponentially larger wealth and influence? Join us for the discussion.
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research NAASR / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series for Contemporary Armenian Issues
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