The Porch is the story of a 91-year-old man named George Porter who escapes from the nursing home where he lives. His family and friends react differently when George expresses his desire to attend a Red Sox game that day at Fenway Park.
The present collection of articles in Black Garden Aflame: The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict in the Soviet and Russian Press—carefully translated, edited, and culled from a vast repository of Russian-language press curated by Artyom Tonoyan—presents in book form for the first time in English some of the most important material that has appeared from 1988 to the present.
Screen the film first, then join us on Zoom for a panel discussion consisting of filmmaker Hrayr Eulmessekian, Taline Voskeritchian, and Karen Jallatyan who offer reflections on Oshagan’s work and the challenges of making it accessible—in image, sound, and translated text—to a wide audience.