JOURNAL OF ARMENIAN STUDIES: Volume IV, Numbers 1 & 2: 1992 Special Issue: Genocide and Human Rights: Lessons from the Armenian Experience
Foreword by Roger W. Smith
Preface by Gregory H. Adamian
Introduction by Sol Gittleman: The Stereotype as Prelude to Genocide
Historical Background:
The Historical Dimensions of the Armenian Question, 1878-1923
by Richard G. Hovannisian
Sources of Alienation and Identity Crisis in Ottoman Intellectual History
by James J. Reid
The American Response to the 1895 Massacre
by Barbara J. Merguerian
Britain as World Policeman
by Christopher J. Walker
Facts of the Armenian Genocide:
The State's Crime
by Yves Ternon
Experiences and Observations
by Richard Ashton
The Massacres in Angora and Western Turkey
by Alice Odian Kasparian
Young People Caught up in a Catastrophe
by Frank A. Stone
Response to Genocide:
Armin T. Wegner, Polemicist for Armenian and Jewish Human Rights
by Sybil Milton
The Genocide and Political Violence
by Dickran Kouymjian
The Image of the Turk in Modern Armenian Literature
by Vahe Oshagan
Ambiguous Legacy: Genocide and Political Romanticism
by Gilbert Abcarian
Denial and Its Implications:
Misplaced Credulity
by Dennis R. Papazian
Historical Origins of Armenian-Turkish Enmity
by Michael M. Gunter
The Psychology of Denial
by Israel W. Charny
Genocide and Human Rights:
The Religious Element in Genocide
by Leo Kuper and Gary Remer
Transnational Defense of Minorities: The Movement for Armenian Rights (1876-1915) and the Contemporary Movement for Soviet Jewry
by Helen Fein
Prevention of Genocide:
Genocide in the Twentieth Century
George Wald
Teaching About the Armenian Genocide
by Phredd MatthewsWall
Genocide and Deterrence
by John Loftus
The Genocide Convention and the Prevention of Genocide
by William B. Proxmire
Political Implications of Genocide:
Genocide and Governmental Responsibility (Panel Discussion)
Irving Louis Horowitz, Vartan Hartunian, Israel W. Charny, Richard G. Hovannisian, Set C. Momjian
The Legacy of Genocide
by Richard L. Rubenstein
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)