State of the Art of the Early Turkish Republic, The ~ Historiography, Sources and Future Directions
Edited by Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Ümit Kurt, and Ara Sarafian
The scholarship on Turkey’s pre-republican history has made great strides over the past three decades, expanding the historical aperture to a plurality of actors and becoming more representative of diverse political, religious, and cultural groups involved in the transition to post-Ottoman Turkey. The proliferation of research on late-Ottoman history, including notably the last Ottoman decade, has contributed to a thorough revision of republican Turkey’s foundation in general and of the early Republic in particular. This is scholarly work in progress that grasps the republican nation-state as a post-genocidal polity. –Hans-Lukas Kieser
The articles appearing in this volume, except for Ayşe Kose Badur’s contribution and Hans-Lukas Kieser’s afterword, were presented at a conference entitled “The State of the Art of the Early Turkish Republic Period: Historiography, Sources, and Future Directions” organized by the Armenian Studies Program of California State University, Fresno, October 2-3, 2020. They have since been edited and appear here in a single volume.
Christine Philliou, “Keynote Address: New Directions in the Early History of the Turkish Republic”; Ümit Kurt, “The End of Armenian Aintab and the Rise of a New Turkish Bourgeoisie (1915-1945)”; Talin Suciyan and Harry Harootunian, “Abstracting the Peasant in Ottoman and Turkey’s Historiography”; Ari Şekeryan, “‘Loyal’ Citizens of the Republic: Revisiting the Nationalist Policies of the Republic of Turkey and the Precarious Situation of the Armenian Community in Istanbul (1923–1928)”; Christopher Sheklian, “The Problem-Space of Secularism in the Early Turkish Republic”; Ayşe Kose Badur, “A Portrait of a Unionist in the Early Republican Era: Mehmed Cavid (1876–1926)”; Hans-Lukas Kieser, “Afterword: Reassessing the Formation of Post-Lausanne ‘New Turkey.’”
The Press at CSU Fresno (2023)