By Zabel Yessayan; Edited by Barbara Merguerian, Joy Renjilian-Burgy, Judith Saryan, and Danila Jebejian Terpanjian; Translated by G.M. Goshgarian, Jennifer Manoukian, and Nanore Barsoumian
In this psychological novel, Armenian author Zabel Yessayan explores the social and intellectual life in Constantinople (Istanbul) during the momentous years between the 1908 Young Turk Revolution and the outbreak of World War I. Following success abroad as an artist, the protagonist Emma returns home to the Ottoman capital where she confronts her feelings of alienation and isolation. In addition to the novel, My Soul in Exile, now translated into English for the first time, this volume includes a sampling of other works, particularly those addressing the role of women in society.
Author, educator, and social activist, Zabel Yessayan (1878-1943) is recognized today as one of the greatest writers in Western Armenian literature.
AIWA Press (2014)