By Karen Jeppe. Translated, Edited, and Introduced by Jonas Kauffeldt.
Misak: An Armenian Life is Karen Jeppe's touching and heartfelt account of her adopted son's experiences from childhood to early adulthood. Set in the city of Urfa and the surrounding areas of the eastern Ottoman Empire, the narrative is both biography and autobiography, with Jeppe weaving her own story into the account. This joint tale spans the years from the 1890s to the years immediately before the outbreak of the First World War. A new and broader set of readers can therefore experience Jeppe's gripping narrative and appreciate her perspective on Armenian life in the late Ottoman Empire.
This work consists of a masterful translation of Karen Jeppe's biographical work on her adoptive son, Misak, and an 84-page cutting edge introductory essay on Jeppe's legacy working with Armenians in the late Ottoman Empire and French mandate Syria. The translation, introductory essay and annotations are the work of Jonas Kauffeldt, assistant professor of history at the University of North Georgia.
Gomidas Institute (2015)