By Shahkeh Yaylaian Setian
Setian provides stories submitted by sixteen descendants of survivors who were saved by Muslims during the 1915 Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks. She offers a corrective to mitigate the prejudice against Muslims and to uphold and to promote their dignity. She describes the geopolitical situation of the Genocide times and other issues of interest with commentary, such as the betrayal of Armenians by the 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty, which did not mention Armenia nor the Armenian massacres. The omission of fairly settling the Armenian issue was in order for Allies to control the oil wealth in the region. He who owns the oil will rule the world (M. Henry Berenger, French senate, December 12, 1919). Setian graphically includes the vicious treatment of victims in order to convey the horrors committed by government officials and out of control citizens that seared the atmosphere. Noble Muslims risked their lives to save Armenians in the midst of such inhumanity.
Xlibris Corporation (2011)