HISTORY OF ARMENIAN LITERATURE: Fifth to Thirteenth Centuries
By James Etmekjian
From the Golden Age of Saints Sahag and Mesrob to the Silver Age of the twelfth century and the closing years of the thirteenth century, when Armenia was overrun by the Mongols, Dr. Etmekjian brings to life the remarkable figures of the Armenian literary. Herein are the schools religious poetry, doctrinal literature, the monastic centers, brotherhoods, and historical writings. The great names loom before us: Yeghish, Ghazar Parbetsi, Tavit Anhaght. Krikor Naregatsi, Anania Shiragatsi, Nerses Shnorhali, and scores of others. Dr. Etmekjian traces the development of Armenian literature, the impact of Hellenistic culture on its early beginnings and later influences from Byzantine, Persian, and Arab sources, made even more valuable with the addition of an extensive bibliography.
St. Vartan Press (1988)