Armenian Heritage Press
Hagop: An Armenian Genocide Survivor’s Journey to Freedom
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$ 12.95
By Theodore D. Kharpertian
Hagop: An Armenian Genocide Survivor's Journey to Freedom recounts the life of Hagop Kharpertian, the sole survivor in his family of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Written by his son in the form of a memoir, covering nearly a century and spanning locales from Asia Minor and the Middle East to Europe and the United States, Hagop represents the odyssey of one man's lifelong struggle and tenacity: the Genocide and his miraculous but bitter childhood survival; the uncertain and difficult years of transition from Malatia, his birthplace in Turkey, to Asnieres, his home in France; and the surprising decision after WWII to settle and raise a family in the United States.
Armenian Heritage Press (2003)