By Kevork K. Baghdjian, with prologue by A.B. Gureghian and introduction by Yves Ternon
It is definitely false to claim that, the "authors" of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in 1915 having passed away since already a very long time, it would be adequate for Turkey to recognize the historical reality of that Genocide and turn the page. The recognition of the Genocide leads subsequently to the juridical acknowledgement.
There was genocide in 1915 and, under the terms of the United Nations Resolution 2391 of November 26, 1968, the crime of genocide is imprescriptible, independently of the date on which it was perpetrated, even if the authors of the crime have disappeared.
Moreover, it is absurd to claim that the authors of the Armenian Genocide disappeared: according to an immutable principle of law, evil perdures as long as its effects last.
Therefore, as long as our historical territories will remain usurped by the Turkish Government, and as long as our properties will remain illegally confiscated, Turkey will irrevocably be held responsible of the Genocide.
Antelias Publishing (2010)