ARMENIAN GENOCIDE: Front Page Coverage in the World Press
By Hayk Demoyan
The persecution of the Armenians and the massacres committed against them received extensive coverage by the international media of the day. This coverage shed light on the many facets of the centuries-long persecution of Armenians and highlighted numerous issues concerning the genocide of the Armenian people. Especially notable were the British, Russian, French and American newspaper reports about the Hamidian massacres of 1894-1896, the Adana atrocities of 1909, and the Genocide of 1915-1923. A large number of reports and articles also referred to the humanitarian consequences of the Genocide, such as the fate of the Armenian deportees, the caring of orphans, and the resucue of women and children abductees.
These publications in the foreign media convey to us invaluable information about genocide as a phenomena, its processes and consequences, and serve as indirect evidence of the historic truth of the Armenian Genocide.
Armenian Genocide Museum Institute (2014)