1915: The Armenian Genocide / 1915: Ermeni Soykirimi
By Hasan Cemal
This book is a collection of essays about coming to terms with the Armenian Genocide in Turkey. It is written by a prominent and much respected Turkish journalist who is also the grandson of Cemal Pasha, the Ottoman Minister of the Navy and Commander of the 4th Army during World War I.
From the Back Cover
Hasan Cemal is a journalist, not a historian. And this book was not written as an historical study. This book is, in a sense, Hasan Cemal's personal journey regarding 1915 and the Armenian question. Hasan Cemal had first written in 1999, in his book No One Should Get Mad, I Wrote Myself, about how his political views had changed over time and which sources had nurtured this change, or in other words, about his 'political autobiography,' and in this book, had had also subjected himself to genuine self-criticism. In this book, Hasan Cemal recounts in a self-critical style how his position regarding 1915 has changed over the years. He also tries, with his usual sincerity, to shed light on both the 'lost history' and the 'invented history' of Turkey,
Hasan Cemal gazetecidir, tarihci degil. Bu kitap da tarihi bir arastirmanin urunu olarak yazilmadi.Hasan Cemal'in 1915 ve Ermeni sorununa iliskin kisisel seruveni sayilabilir elinizdeki bu kitap.Hasan Cemal, ilk kez, 1999'da yayimlanan "Kimse Kizmasin Kendimi Yazdim" isimli kitabinda, siyasal goruslerinin zaman icinde nasil degistigini, hangi kaynaklardan beslendigini, yani 'siyasal ozyasamoykusu'nu anlatmisti, kendi kendisini de sahici bir elestiri suzgecinden gecirerek...Hasan Cemal bu kitabinda 1915'le ilgili olarak nereden nereye geldigini yine ozelestirel bir dille anlatirken, Turkiye'nin "kayip tarihi'yle icat edilmis" tarihine de isik tutmaya calisiyor her zamanki ictenligiyle...
Everest Yayınları (2012: Turkish Language) Hrant Dink Foundation (2015: English Language