TORN BETWEEN TWO LANDS: Armenians in America 1890 to WWI
By Robert Mirak
This is a comprehensive study of the Armenian American community in the United States from the 1890s to World War I (1914). The book is divided into four major parts. Part I surveys the Armenian communities in the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). Part II describes the origins and character of the Armenian migrations to the United States, comparing them to similar and dissimilar features of other migration movements of the same time period (ca. 1890-1914). The general nature of the Armenian immigrants' economic, physical, and social adjustments to urban America is discussed in Part III. Part IV describes the Armenian American struggle to help their countrymen against the oppressive regimes in Turkey and Russia. The concluding section traces the steps by which the community became acculturated to the New World Of particular interest in this book is the detailed analysis given to the Armenian revolutionary parties in the United States.
Harvard Armenian Texts and Studies (HATS) (1993)