COBBLESTONES OF JERSUSALEM, THE: every tile has a tale to tell
By Arthur Hagopian
Jerusalem, city of gold, city of light. A fascinating enclave that is said to be the center of the world, and that this is where history began. And it is also said that of the ten measures of beauty God bestowed upon the world, Jerusalem received nine. And of the ten measures of sorrow the world is afflicted with, Jerusalem’s portion was nine. Every tile in the cobblestoned alleys of Jerusalem has a tale to tell, intertwining the annals of its fascinating people: the Christians (Armenians, Copts, Ethiopians, Greeks, Syriacs who still speak Aramaic), the Moslems and the Jews. The book delves into the labyrinthine fabric and tells the reader stories of wonder and mystery, of glory and disaster, of triumph and despair of all three protagonists, as seen from the perspective of an Armenian.
Independently published (2022)