Prior Years — #UmitKurt
ARMENIANS and KURDS in the LATE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: A Social History ~ Live on Zoom and YouTube ~ June 7, 2020

Armenians and Kurds in the Late Ottoman Empire

Umit Kurt on The Economics of Genocide in an Ottoman Province, 1895-1930 ~ Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Armenians of Aintab: The Economics of Genocide in an Ottoman Province, 1895-1930Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 7 :00 - 8:30 pm Columbia University, Knox Hall 208, 606 West 122nd Street, New York, NY 10027 This lecture explores the issues of deportation, genocide, and property seizure by concentrating particularly on the city of Aintab, focusing on the local historiography, and drawing upon Armenian and Ottoman-Turkish sources, as well as other archival materials. While Aintab’s Armenians were not unique and shared the same painful fate of other Armenian communities across Asia Minor, Aintab provides a microcosm that allows us to examine the local forces...