Prior Years — #FundacaoGulbenkian
THE RUINS OF ANI: From Sacred Landscape to Political Soil with Peter Balakian and Aram Arkun ~ Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 7:30 pm NAASR Batmasian Hall, 395 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478 Join us in NAASR's Batmasian Hall for a presentation by Peter Balakian, editor and Aram Arkun, translator of The Ruins of Ani by Krikor Balakian. From the tenth to the thirteenth centuries, the city of Ani was the jewel of the Armenian kingdom, renowned far and wide for its magnificent buildings. By the fifteenth century, Ani was virtually abandoned, its stunning buildings left to crumble. Yet its ruins have remained a symbol of cultural accomplishment that looms large in the Armenian imagination. Today, Ani...

Thursday, February 13, 2020, 7:30-9:30 pm Batmasian Hall, NAASR Vartan Gregorian Building395 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478 A reception will take place after the program in the Shahinian Solarium. What role does the Armenian-American press serve today? Whom does it serve? What does its future look like? Join us for lively discussion of these and other issues.FEATURINGLeeza Arakelian, Assistant Editor, Armenian WeeklyAlin Gregorian, Editor, Armenian Mirror-SpectatorStephen Kurkjian, Pulitzer Prize winner, Boston Globe and NAASR Board Member MODERATORNAASR Board Member Stepan PiligianEarly Armenian immigrants created institutions in their new hometowns in America—among them churches, clubs, and political organizations which became focal...