Give to NAASR's Annual Appeal
Over the past 67 years and with the generosity of committed people like you, NAASR has been shaping how scholars and the world understand the Armenian experience. As an internationally renowned institution for the study, research, and preservation of Armenian history, culture, and identity, NAASR continues to thrive and expand because of you. Thank you!
In 2022, your support enabled NAASR to host nearly 50 online, in-person, and hybrid events, including the first international conference held at NAASR’s Vartan Gregorian Building, co-organized with the Society for Armenian Studies, and featuring scholars from Armenia, the U.S., Hungary, and Australia. These events are viewable on NAASR’s Event Videos blog and YouTube channel Armenian Studies.

Through an enduring partnership with the Knights of Vartan Fund for Armenian Studies, 30 research grants were awarded to scholars in Armenia, the U.S., the UK, France, Germany, Poland, and Australia, supporting research on Armenian archeology, manuscript art, medieval architecture, post-war conditions in Artsakh, Armeno-Turkish writings, and much more. (Photo: excavation work on Veri Berd Fortress in Lernakert, Armenia supported by NAASR and Knights of Vartan Fund for Armenian Studies.)
These grants enabled scholars to author books, publish their work in prestigious academic journals, and present their findings at conferences and workshops around the world. The depth and breadth of subject matter presented by scholars in addition to the many partnerships created by NAASR testify to our key role in the field Armenian Studies.
But the work is not done. Your participation in our Annual Appeal will allow us to continue to expand our reach and ensure that researchers and scholars have the precious resources needed to advance Armenian Studies for generations to come.
New generations of young people will be introduced to Armenian culture and discover their heritage through a children’s storytelling series launched at NAASR this year.
In 2023, NAASR will host new and exciting lectures and conferences including the prestigious 12th International Conference on Armenian Linguistics in June and a series of programs exploring Armenian-American identities in Massachusetts and will continue to offer other diverse public programs.
Your annual gift is essential to NAASR and the ongoing study and promotion of Armenian culture and identity. Please consider giving to NAASR this year. Through your support, you become the guardians of Armenian history and the Armenian future. We are grateful for your generosity.
With appreciation, Silva Sedrakian, Executive Director
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