E. A. Yeran: Pioneering Armenian-American Printer and Publisher, Part 1 ~ Treasures of NAASR's Mardigian Library

The early history of Armenian printing and publishing in the United States holds a special place of interest for us at NAASR, and it is not a topic that has been the focus of much sustained scrutiny (with some welcome exceptions).
Although he was not the first Armenian-American publisher—that distinction belongs to Haigag Ēginian (Հայկակ Էկինեան)—occupying a special place among the early publishers stands E. A. Yeran and Yeran Press in Boston.
E. A. or I. A. or Edward Arakel Yeran was born Yervant Arak‘eli Iknadiosian (Eruant Arak‘eli Iknadiosean) = Երուանդ Առաքելի Իգնատիոսեան in Chemeshgadzak in the 1870s. (1875, according to Hampardzum H. Kasbarian [Համբարձում Յ. Գասպարեան], Ch'mshgadkak ew ir Kiwgherě [Չմշկածագ եւ իր Գիւղերը]; 1876, according to Garnik Stepanyan [Գառնիկ Ստեփանյան], Kensagrakan bararan [Կենսագրական բառարան]; 1877 according to Yeran’s gravestone.)
Above: photo of Yeran from Ěntartsag Krats'uts'ag (Comprehensive Catalogue) published by Yeran in the late teens. Below: Yeran, his wife Elizabeth (Sarian) Yeran, and their daughter Elizabeth, ca. 1913. Photo courtesy of Lisa Pierce, great-granddaughter of Yeran.