Cummings Foundation Grant Recipient

Event Videos — UCLA School of Law

The Horrors of Adana: Revolution and Violence in the Early Twentieth Century

The Horrors of Adana: Revolution and Violence in the Early Twentieth Century

The Horrors of Adana offers one of the first close examinations of these events, analyzing sociopolitical and economic transformations that culminated in a cataclysm of violence. Drawing on primary sources in a dozen languages, he develops an interdisciplinary approach to understand the rumors and emotions, public spheres and humanitarian interventions that together informed this complex event.

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That Troublesome Word, Genocide: How Should We Understand It?

That Troublesome Word, Genocide: How Should We Understand It?

Professor Ron Suny, emeritus of the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan -- and author of a major study of the massacres and deportations committed by the Ottoman Turks in 1915, "They Can Live in the Desert But Nowhere Else": A History of the Armenian Genocide (Princeton University Press, 2015) -- uses the insights of Moses' work to take a fresh look at the Armenian tragedy and how it provides another lens to look at the concept of genocide.

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What's Next? Armenian Genocide Restitution in the Post-Recognition Era

What's Next? Armenian Genocide Restitution in the Post-Recognition Era

In 2019, both houses of U.S. Congress recognized the Armenian Genocide, followed by President Biden’s official recognition on April 24, 2021. Their goal achieved, Armenian activists and organizations were now faced with the question: “What’s next?” This conference begins to examine this question.

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