Event Videos — #HaigUtidjian
TREASURES OF THE EARLIEST CHRISTIAN NATION: Spirituality, Art, and Music in Medieval Armenian Manuscripts

Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 3pm Eastern/12pm (noon) Pacific ZOOM and on Society for Armenian Studies You Tube channel Haig Utidjian is an orchestral conductor, chorus master and musicologist. In his native Cyprus he was a pupil of Abp. Zareh Aznaworean of blessed memory, and is a Senior Deacon of the Armenian Church, with research interests in the musicology and theology of the Armenian Hymnal and in the works of St. Gregory of Narek. He was recently decorated with the Komitas medal by the Armenian state and the “Yakob Meghapart” medal by the National Library of Armenia. Dr. Utijian's recent publications...