Cummings Foundation Grant Recipient

Event Videos — #AnnaOhanyan

THE KARABAGH WAR: History, Context, Implications

THE KARABAGH WAR: History, Context, Implications

On September 27, 2020, the government of Azerbaijan backed by Turkey dramatically escalated the conflict with Armenians in the Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh. Why is this happening now? What is at stake? What are the global implications? What could happen next?

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ARMENIA REPORT: Flare-up on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Border

ARMENIA REPORT: Flare-up on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Border

Richard B. Finnegan Distinguished Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Stonehill College Dr. Anna Ohanyan moderated a panel discussion on the flare-up on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border with panelists Antranig Kasbarian, Arsen Kharatyan, and Maria Tititzian. This webinar was sponsored by the NAASR / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues. 

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BILINGUALISM: Challenges and Benefits of Learning and Living in Multiple Worlds

BILINGUALISM: Challenges and Benefits of Learning and Living in Multiple Worlds

Soccer or Saturday School? Parents in diasporic communities routinely grapple with the challenge of carving out time for their children to engage with and experience their ancestral cultures. This panel discussion discusses the value of bilingual education, looking at experiences of other ethnic communities in the U.S. and around the world, with a particular focus on the specificities of the Armenian experience, including the special challenges facing Western Armenian, which has been classified as an “endangered language,” the fruitful cohabitation of Western and Eastern Armenian, and the specific challenges of researching and teaching the Armenian language.


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Trend or Exception? Democratization in Armenia and Authoritarianism Worldwide

Trend or Exception? Democratization in Armenia and Authoritarianism Worldwide

At a time when there is great concern over the apparent decline of liberal democracy around the world, in 2018 Armenia seemed to be a notable exception and was hailed as “badly needed good news for democracy” by the Washington Post.

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