On Zoom and NAASR's YouTube channel Armenian Studies.
DR. LEVON CHOOKASZIAN: Chair of Armenian Art History and Theory, Yerevan State University (T‘oros Roslin and Arshag Fetvadjian)
BISHOP DATEV HAKOBYAN, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Romania (English translation of Bishop Tatev’s remarks will be provided by Prof. S. Peter Cowe of UCLA.)
HRAIR HAWK KHATCHERIAN: Photographer and author (Armenia Heaven on Earth ~ A Hawk’s-Eye View of Armenia, and Artsakh: A Photographic Journey)
DR. CLAUDE MUTAFIAN: Scholar and author (La Saga des Arméniens de l'Ararat aux Carpates)
PROF. PETER COWE, Narekatsi Professor of Armenian Studies
To mark the publication of the beautiful Armenian Treasures in Romania (Patrimoniul Eparhiei Armene din România), join us for this presentation by three of the contributors to the volume, scholars Levon Chookaszian and Claude Mutafian and renowned photographer Hrair Hawk Khatcherian.
Ararat-Eskijian Museum
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)
UCLA Narekatsi Chair in Armenian Studies
Photos by Hrair Hawk Khatcherian: Church of St. Mary, Botoşani, Romania