Thursday, September 28, 2023, 3:30pm Eastern
In Person at the MacPhaidin Library, 1st Floor, South Wing, Stonehill College, 320 Washington Street, Easton, MA
Parking available in the Welcome Center lot.
DR. ANNA OHANYAN, Richard B. Finnegan Professor of International Studies, Stonehill College
In a world that feels fractured, join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the sources if regional conflict and stability.
This talk is part of the Stonehill College 2023 Scholar Series
The Neighborhood Effect: The Imperial Roots of Regional Fracture in Eurasia will be available for purchase and signing at the talk. Advance purchase can be made through the NAASR Bookstore online, code Neighborhood Effect at checkout. Please no resellers!
MacPhaidin Library
Office of Academic Affairs, Stonehill College
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) / Calouste Gulbenkian Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues
Click here for the flyer.