Cummings Foundation Grant Recipient

Prior Years — UCLA Promise Armenian Institute

ARMENO-INDICA: Four Centuries of Togetherness and Familiarity ~ Friday/Saturday, March 17-18, 2023 ~ In-Person and On Zoom

ARMENO-INDICA: Four Centuries of Togetherness and Familiarity ~ Friday/Saturday, March 17-18, 2023 ~ In-Person and On Zoom

Gathering an international group of scholars, Armeno-Indica explores the Indo-Armenian saga in South Asia from the seventeenth to the twenty-first centuries. Themes to be explored include the connected economic, literary, legal, and political histories of Armenians and Indians in South Asia and beyond across the waters of the Indian Ocean. The keynote for the conference will be delivered by Professor Sanjay Subrahmanyam.

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THE RUINS OF ANI: A Photographic Journey from 1881 to the Present ~ Tuesday, March 7, 2023 ~ On Zoom/YouTube

THE RUINS OF ANI: A Photographic Journey from 1881 to the Present ~ Tuesday, March 7, 2023 ~ On Zoom/YouTube

Ohannes Kurkdjian is regarded as one of the prominent Armenian photographers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is best known as the first photographer to capture images of the medieval ruins located in the ancient Armenian capital of Ani.

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POSTPONED: THE HAMIDIAN MASSACRES OF 1894-97: Challenging Traditional Perspectives

POSTPONED: THE HAMIDIAN MASSACRES OF 1894-97: Challenging Traditional Perspectives

Dr. Owen Miller, the author of a thesis and several research articles on the Sasun massacre of 1894 and its background, will discuss with Jelle Verheij his findings and the need for revision of the traditional perspectives, touching on many of the key issues and players: the death toll, characteristics and motivation of the perpetrators, the roles of the Ottoman authorities, foreign powers and Armenian revolutionary parties.

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20th UCLA GRADUATE STUDENT COLLOQUIUM in ARMENIAN STUDIES ~ Saturdays, February 18 & 25, 2023 ~ On Zoom

20th UCLA GRADUATE STUDENT COLLOQUIUM in ARMENIAN STUDIES ~ Saturdays, February 18 & 25, 2023 ~ On Zoom

This Colloquium is an annual international conference for graduate students in the Humanities/Social Sciences to present research pertaining to all aspects of Armenian studies, including but not limited to language, literature, history, gender studies, sociology, anthropology, economics, and art history.

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BLACK GARDEN AFLAME: The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict in the Soviet and Russian Press ~ Tuesday, January 24, 2023 ~ On Zoom/YouTube

BLACK GARDEN AFLAME: The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict in the Soviet and Russian Press ~ Tuesday, January 24, 2023 ~ On Zoom/YouTube

Dr. Artyom Tonoyan's talk will focus on some of the most interesting and critical themes emerging from the decades-long Soviet and Russian press coverage of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

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