Prior Years — #AraratEskijianMuseum
PORTRAITS OF UNBELONGING ~ Live on Zoom/YouTube ~ Sunday, July 26, 2020

I ASK YOU, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ~ A Presentation and Discussion

I ASK YOU, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ~ Zoom / YouTube ~ Tuesday, June 30, 2020

POSTPONED ~ A WEDDING OF ARMENIAN TYPES, ARMENIAN CUSTOMS: Revisiting Garabed Nichanian's "Provincial Wedding in Moush" (1890) by Dr. Vazken Khatchig Davidian ~ POSTPONED to Fall 2020

POSTPONED to Fall 2020 The presentation undertakes a close reading of a major painting- Provincial Wedding in Moush - by the notable but now forgotten, Constantinople artist Garabed "Charles" Nichanian (1861-1950). Unseen since the last exhibition in Chicago in 1893, the image of this monumental work has survived through a single know photographic reproduction and at least two engravings published in contemporary journals. Moreover two extensive reviews complement the photograph with a plethora of descriptive detail based on direct visual observation of the painting in the company of the artist. Crucially, they also reveal much about the work's reception among...
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND EDUCATION IN ARMENIA ~ A Conversation with Prof. Ani Aprahamian, Sunday, January 12, 2020