JOURNAL OF ARMENIAN STUDIES: Volume VIII, Number 1: Fall-Winter 2004
Supplement to Ottoman Photographs at the J. Paul Getty
Research Institute: Armenian Themes and Contributions
by Van M. Aroian
A Further Copy of Part of a Poem by Yovhannēs Erznkac‘i
by Pakrad Bourjekian
Ardēmis: An Armenian Women’s Journal Published
in Egypt, 1902-1904
by Lerna Ekmekçioğlu
Epic as Frontier in Medieval Multi-Cultural Societies
by Rachel Goshgarian
The Commentary on the Cycle of Four Works
by Norayr Kazazian and Michael E. Stone
New Translations of Poems By Yeghishe Charentz
by David Kherdian and Garig Basmadjian
The U.S. Congress and the Contingent Influence of Diaspora Lobbies:
Lessons from U.S. Policy Toward Armenia and Azerbaijan
by David King and Miles Pomper
A Mysterious Fragment of the Urbat‘agirk‘
by Julia Nazarjian
Some Iranica in Eznik
by James R. Russell
Review Essays:
Yair Auron, The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide
by Ara A. Gelenian
Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos, Caucasus Chronicles: Nation Building and Diplomacy in Armenia, 1993-1994
Thomas De Waal, Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan Through Peace and War
Svante Cornell, Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus
by Asbed Kotchikian
Lorne Shirinian, The Landscape of Memory: Perspectives on the Armenian Diaspora
by Marc A. Mamigonian
Gor Mkhitarian, Episode [Compact Disk]
by James R. Russell
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)